Lego Rebrand
For this project, I was asked to rebrand a current exists brand. I will be making a brand standard guide, a small 12-page square book, for this project. I choose LEGO because it was a legendary brand in which the iconic red box logo sticks in everyone’s mind and hasn’t been changed for a long time. I’ve researched the history of the LEGO Group and the history of its logo and found that the current logo has not been changed since 1998. I decided to create a brandmark that shows LEGO’s unique characteristics while keeping some of its aspects. I noticed that the LEGO figure’s head was very special and represents the brand very well, so I decided to add it to the brandmark design. The new logo has two ways of use. On the left, I keep the original red box and changed the typefaces to Arial Rounded MT Bold, which has a more childlike feeling. Below the brand name, there was a new tagline that says, “Create the world”. I also keep the original logo’s red and yellow colors. On the right section of the brandmark, it was a yellow LEGO head. The LEGO head itself can be used as a secondary brandmark, for example, on the packaging boxes. For the front and back covers of the standards guide, I use a picture of Star Wars LEGO figures, which will be attractive to both kids and adults. The from and back are connected with each other. I’ve placed the new logo into touchpoints such as business cards, web pages, stores, and packaging boxes, they look cute and conveys the LEGO company’s uniqueness as well as showing a joyful and childlike idea.